WebExpress 3

WebExpress is the total solution for WYSIWYG web site creation. Design, edit and maintain your site in a familiar word processor like environment. Eliminates the need to memorize complex HTML syntax. Pages look and behave just as they do when loaded in a browser.

V3.0 includes support for frames, forms, face extensions, marquees and more. Web Site Manager enhances site organization and integrity. Navigate through your site by clicking on hypertext to load pages and validate links. Directly launch your favorite browsers from within WebExpress.

Now includes

Enhanced Multimedia Support Plugins - Wizard allows you to easily add sounds, videos and other browser plugins.

ActiveX - Full ActiveX Support. Native object property sheets accessible only on Windows 95/NT systems.

Internet Explorer Marquee Extension. Allows you to add text, images, etc. Control the background color, scroll direction, scroll speed.

Enhanced Image Support

Better Quality Enhanced image quality throughout. Faster loading, bettering dithering on 256 color systems. Image Map Editor - Graphical image map editor. Visually create rectangle, circle and polygon regions.

Image Text - Super cool new feature allows you to easily add text to any images. Great for adding buttons, annotations, or ensuring a certain font is used for headlines.

Image Editor - Launch the selected image with your favorite image editor. Configurable for any editor which comes supports command line options. Great convenience when working on your site.

Image Conversion - Convert image to any of supported formats including gif, jpeg, tif, pcx, wmf, png, and more. Automatically asks to convert to an internet format when you insert non gif/jpeg images. Allows you to set transparent color in gif files.

Cascading Style Sheets

Create Cascading Style Sheets giving more precise control over formatting of HTML documents in the new generation of browsers (4.0 and beyond). Note that while very powerful, style sheets may cause problems in portablity between browsers. Therefore, they are currently best suited for environments where a known browser will be used (i.e. Intranets using Explorer 4.0).

Character, Paragraph, and Document styles can be created and stored within a document or in an external style sheet file (.CSS). Html documents can be linked to external style sheets, providing excellent maintenance and consisntent look across a web site. For best results, create all your styles and style sheets within WebExpress. Importing style sheets created elsewhere will have unpredictable results.

WYSIWYG Frames - Frame set pages can now be loaded directly into their frame set. The frame pages can then be edited in-context with the correct size and position as they will appear in a browser.

Web Site Management - Keep the Web Site Manager window available at all times, making it even easier than before to see the organization of your site and traverse through your site.

Web Site Templates - Create the look and feel of your web site once using using Web Site Templates. Each time your create a new page, you select from a list of templates you create for your page. Templates can include color information, background images, text, tables, graphics and links. You can optionally have the pages in your site linked to the template from which it was created. When the Web Page Properties for the template change, so do the properties for all pages which were created from it.

Publish Web Site - Transfers files from your computer to your web site with the click of a button. Transfer all files, or just those that have changed since the last transfer. Uses standard FTP technology so no special server-side extensions are required.

Web Site Rename - Click on a page, link, image, or image map within the Web Site Manager and rename the item. Optionally choose to update all occurrences throughout your web site and file. Great for globally changing URLs and standard image files.

Web Site Goto Reference - By clicking on a page, link, image, or image map within the Web Site Manager window, find the source of a link or image instantly. Great for removing links, and finding where images and image maps are used.

Print Web Site - Print the hierarchial view of your web site. Collapse or expand web site for selected views. Great to show others how your site is organized.
WebExpress Wizards
WebExpress Setup Wizard Walks the new user through the preference options to get the set up right from the start and introduce them to the various features in WebExpress. Runs the first time you use WebExpress or from the Help menu.

Miscellaneous Extras

Forward/Back Browse - WebExpress now browses even more like a browser with forward and back buttons. Allows you to return to a page even when there is now backward link. Also available from the SpeedTools tool bar.

Insert File - Insert an ASCII text or HTML file directly into any HTML document at the current cursor location. Eliminates the need to re-key information stored within other programs.

HTML Blocks - Insert large blocks of consectutive HTML commands which you wish to have WebExpress ignore. WebExpress will include this code untouched when writing out files, allowing for hand-tuned code to be inserted and maintained from within WebExpress.

200 images, background textures, page dividers and sample web sites to get you started fast and give your web site that distinctive look.

WebExpress removes the hassle of messing with HTML codes, and allows you to focus on the presentation of your Web pages, just as they will look when loaded into a browser.

Copyright © 1998 The Thompson Partnership.